For one thing, what we need to know about of course is how you are going to identify this. In the end, the one thing that you must know is that the whole concept of Gothic is not just limited to evil figurines and dark velvet or massive chandeliers; these are just age old concepts that seem to be tied into the whole Gothic genre. For one, Gothic is about the subliminal and the mind boggling, and this can translate to stuff like stone figures in and around the place, very detailed and very 18th century, Now, you might notice a play on velvet colors, maybe more black, and that lighting is used much more strategically in these houses. Of course, you cannot assume that just adding a little black is going to make a house Gothic, it has to be used subtly, and it has to dominate the mind more than the eyes. In the end of the day, one of the things that are truly Gothic is an impressive centrepiece within the house that can really be anything, from a table to a piano - but it has to dominate the space and seem almost alive in its presence within the house.
These are some of the things that might constitute as Gothic home interior, and of course, we are not going to simply look to the Addams family for inspiration. Nor is Anne Rice, or her famed vampire going to be walking around, just to make things a little more Gothic and a little more sinister. Gothic is about a lifestyle and a statement, a subtle nudge in a dark direction that should immerse the room in deep colors and an even deeper, sublime mindset.